Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Carol Bowman at the Mind Body Spirit Expo - Sunday, October 25

Carol Bowman will be appearing at the Mind Body Spirit Expo on Sunday, October 25, doing a workshop from 10:15am to 11:45am. Bowman has been at the forefront of past life exploration and is the only past life regression therapist linked to on James Van Praagh’s website.

In her workshop, Carol Bowman will explain how past life memories can emerge in childhood and influence our present personalities. She will share cases from her practice that describe how past life memories can heal. You will then have the opportunity to experience your own past life memories in a group past life regression.

Carol Bowman, MS, is an internationally known author, past life therapist, workshop leader, and pioneer in reincarnation studies. She has the unique perspective of being one of the world’s foremost authorities on children’s spontaneous past life memories, as well as a seasoned past life regression therapist for adults. Carol trained as a past life therapist for adults after she had a life-changing past life regression in 1986, which cured her of chronic lung ailments and confirmed feelings that she had since childhood of having been here before, specifically of having died in WWII. Since then she has worked with thousands of clients to help them access their own past life memories for healing and insight.

Her two books about children’s memories, Children’s Past Lives and Return From Heaven, have been translated into eighteen languages. She has appeared on Oprah, Unsolved Mysteries, ABC Primetime, Good Morning America, and numerous other TV documentaries and radio shows. She is the only past life regression therapist linked to on James Van Praagh’s website.

Ticket ordering for Carol Bowman's workshop, as well as more info about the expo, can be accessed at the Mind Body Spirit Expo website.

For more information: www.carolbowman.com

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